Thursday, October 26, 2006

October 26, 2006

Well, it has been 13 days since my last entry. And 13 days before that one. Is this becoming a pattern? Not sure. I have 5 excited kids runninig around my house right now, same 5 in the picture below. My three and my friend Amy's two. I have decided to drive them to school again today. Then Grady and I are off to run errands. We want to get them done so we can come home and not have to go out until the kids need to go to Kumon later this afternoon. Then we begin our worldwin tour or Shrewsbury...going from Kumon to guitar to soccer to BoyScouts. Then it is home and I have some ladies coming over to finish up clipboards tonight. What a busy life we lead!!

Today is WAT at SBO. And Nicole, one of our WA GDTers has already uploaded her layout for this week. She is getting the gallery started with a bang, and I mean literaly. LOL

By Nicole Patrizzio from Ohio
Scrapbooker Online Guest DT Member

Here is one of my latest...Not my best work but it does show off the 5 excited kids running around my house.

More to come later, I am hopiing to give you all a glimps of the wonderful WAT creations this week at

Friday, October 13, 2006

October 13, 2006

Well, it is Friday the 13th. WAAAWHOOOO!!! LOL

So this was the scene at the bus stop today. It is very cold here in MA today and the kids thought to keep warm they should all huddle together. But, of course they need to put as much humor into it as possible. Why is it so easy to get kids to cooperate for the funny face photo as opposed to the normal shot. Oh Well, they are very cute. Even cutier now that they are gone off to school. LOL.

Enjoy your day ladies and don't forget to check out my Weekend Challenge at Scrapbooker Online.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

October 10, 2006

Look What I slept Under Last Night!

My mother made this beautiful quilt for Gregg and I. It is a whopping 10ft x 10ft, fits our King Size Bed perfectly. It goes down the sides just enough that it covers the sheetsl. I so hate when the sheets peak through the bottom of your quilt or comforter.

My mother has been wanting to make a quilt for Gregg and I for years. But, with Belle sleeping in our bed each night a work of art was just not something you let the dog sleep on. LOL. My mother had started this quilt before Belle passed away last month, not knowing she would be gone. How ironic. My house is filled with quilts from my mother. The kid's beds each have at least three on them, the boys have new Red Sox/Baseball ones and Gail has one for her new loft. But, this one is special, just so special, and it is mine. And I got to sleep under it last night for the first time. I could feel the love.

Thanks Ma....I LOVE IT. I need to stop typing and call you right now and tell you again. I love the patchwork feel it has, the way you collected the florals and had your quilting buddies help with the placment and choice of colors.

And then there is the back. With the holiday and winter scenes, I totally love the back as much as the front. Gregg likes the back better. It looks like an old...really old quilt when you turn it over. WTG Ma!! You rocked this one, like you do all the quilts you create.

Thanks for thinking of me, and taking the time to create me my own masterpiece. I will cherish it always.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Ocotber 8, 2006


And why you ask, because I have not updated my blog in over a month and I have let down my ring. LOL. I must plead my case now. The reasons for my tardiness follow.

School started for the kids.
School then kept on going for the kids.
Guitar started up.
Gymnastics started up.
Karate started up.
Brownies started up.
Boy Scouts started up.
CCD started up.
Theater Camp started up.
Kumon keeps on truckin.
Atteded the PTO meeting at Spring Street School.
Volunteered as the copy lady for Gail's teacher.
SBO's boards got hopping after the summer ended. See the Sisters started up!
All the CHA Summer inventory started arriving.
All the CHA Summer inventory needed to be put into inventory.
Hosted a few crops at my house.
Put together a SB Birthday Party for the Chef's For Babies Silent Auction.
Coordinated a Guest DT Search at SBO, plus a super awesome September Contest.
Scrapbooked, a little. Kind of funny to read that, huh?. Now, pick yourself up off the floor.
Visited my mother twice, had lunch with girlfriends I used to work with at the HBS.
Went camping.
Laundry, dusting, dishes, VACCUUMING!!! I forgiven???