Thursday, November 17, 2005

So the crazyness has not gone away....LOL

Still NUTS O in the Fabbri house. Except that Soccer is over for the season. OMG, can you tell how excited I am. But, now for the holidays. Thanksgiving in RI next week, Gail's 8th Birthday, Hosting the Nieghborhood Holiday Party, Altered Clipboard Workshop to teach, Craft Fair at Gai's school, paint Gail's room, Cybercrop at SBO on the 19th....OH and Christmas.

So should I go on.

One thing I have been thinking of lately, and a lot about, is doodling. I really want to get into this and have all these asperations to do it, and then I don't. I remember my first assignment when in college, I was an Art Major, was to doodle. I thought the professor was off her rocker. As a matter a fact, she kind of was. LOL. I had the hardest time getting it. I wanted everything to be perfect. I remember her giving us the speel about doing it while on the phone or watching TV. But, at that time in my life I just did not get it.

Now I do. I have come to a point in my life where I am doing my art for me. Not for what I think people want to see. I still struggle with the many...and I mean many ideas tossing around in my ever stressed out head. I need to get them in line, organize my thoughts. I need a MF's Strategic Plan. That is the Project Manager in me talking. I want to do things like: Catch up on the kids pages, scrap more with Gail, re-org my stuff and my space, make it look more posh rather then the crap it is now, explore me and what makes me who I am and where I want my work to go.

I want to create something, not just mimic what is already alive and kicking out there. I need to make my mark. I am thinking more now that my mark may not just be the paper creations I created but the community I have started at SBO. I feel like such a member of a "Happening Place" when I think about SBO and the fact it is mine. I mean it is all of ours but it was bourn from my thoughts, actions, and energy. Now, to take that and channel it into my artwork in some way is the next step.

So, any ideas on how I do that?

Anyway, who knows what I just wrote. Babbling or what today. Guess that is what this darn blog is for. LOL.

Have a super day to whoever cares to read this.


Blogger The Crafty-Girlâ„¢ said...

Your post on my blog ( - doodling worksheets) brought me here, but it is your words on this entry that captivated me. Serendipity at it's finest.

You ask a question that speaks to the heart of me because I have been living it's answers for the past two years myself...i.e., "how do I make my art my own instead of a version of someone else's?" even more so, "How do I know what MY art is?" Questions to ponder and journey through...and it's quite an exciting ride.

Thank you for leaving a comment, because it brought me back to you. I am touched by the way you speak about the connections you have made simply by staying true and following your dream...The community you speak about obviously speaks volumes about the woman who started it... :) ...Who wouldn't want to be a part of it? I look forward to venturing over and communicating with you there...
warmest regards,

4:42 PM  
Blogger Kristy said...

MFF, I completely get what you are saying. I want more from what I am doing. I love scrapbooking, but I do not want to scrapbook just to do it. I want it to mean something. I think that is why I am drawn to the book DD makes.

You have created a wonderful community and it would not be that way without you. I so appreacitate what you have done because it has been so exciting for me to see it grow and change. In my 7 months there (wow has it been 7 months) So many wonderful things have happened. So... Thank YOU! Not that I am totally rambling I will end this!

12:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

MFF.......I get what you are posting about. I think scrapbooking has evolved to such a deeper level than when it first began.

As for SBO.....I have to say this is truly the first online community where I have "felt" online "friendships". You have a great group there and you and Gregg have had the foresight and wisdom to bring it where it is today. I can't wait to watch SBO keep moving up in the ranks! :)

7:32 PM  
Blogger Julie Ann Shahin said...

Ok, lady. Why do you have to bring me to tears? Much love to you. We really do have to get crafty-girl Kelly over here.

I'm so honored to have your support and that you let me do my thing! It's just the best thing ever for me.

I want you to check out what they are doing over at - an idea born from one woman that has become a phenomenon. Just like what is happening at SBO!

9:00 AM  
Blogger Hi my name is Marjorie said...

MFF...Julieann led me here. I lost all of my bookmarks when I lost my computer. Thanks JA!
Cameron is sitting at my craft table making Thanksgiving cards. LOL No school today. My younger son's girlfriend saw me scrapping last week. She watched for a while, asked questions. The next day she came home with scrapping supplies. This was the very first time that I had inspired someone to scrap. On Saturday my daughter, the very one who started me on this passion, and quit after the very first layout dragged out her photos and said she was thinking of starting again. This is what inspires me to continue. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with all I have to do and think about taking a never happens. *smiles*
Follow your heart MFF...

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MF...I can imagine your life is very busy and fulfilling all at the same time...I've only "known" you and been in the SBO family for only 6 weeks but I know that you are very passionate about your life. I too, want to thank you for your inspirations and for my new circle of creative friends I've made at SBO. Every day, I look forward to see what is waiting for me at SBO and who will inspire me next. Thank you for bringing your vision and passion of creativness to me! You're doing a marvelous job and I encourage you to keep moving forward on your vivacious journey! Nicole

10:59 AM  
Blogger Lesley said...

Hey Friend.. you have found it.. you are in your artists journey.. enjoy the RIDE!!!

8:25 PM  
Blogger Nikki said...

I totally understand the feeling and need to find your step in the masses. It's such an individual journey, isn't it. I think you are closer to the answer than you realize. :)

6:07 PM  
Blogger Patrizzia said...

You are just the best! Thanks so much for welcoming me with open arms and being go god darn sweet and special! ((Hugs))

1:14 PM  

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