Tuesday, October 25, 2005

October 21, 2005

My kids amaze me every day. So today Grady and I were driving through the town next to ours, Northboro MA. We drove through the center of town and Grady asked why Grant got to go to a friends bowling party and he did not. Now, the bowling alley is in the basement of one of the older buildings in the center of town. Grady, remember he is only 3, looked out the window and recognized where we were, and knew the bowling alley was in this area.

That just amazed me. He knew where he was and the fact he never went to the party amazes me even more. He must have remembered Grant mentioning the party when we would drive through this part of town. How does a three year old brain do that. WOW. He is just the coolest.

Can you tell this is the proud mom talking. LOL


Blogger Kristy said...

Proud mom and you have every right to be. It is amazing what children comprehend!

12:09 PM  

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